Saturday, October 13, 2007

So Holly finally got her shot...literally. She went to The Gun Store in Las Vegas where we taught her to shoot. She had to start on a H & K .45....a little pea shooter.(ha.ha) She did extremely well and she makes shooting look so good. Her first shoot was 2 mm above the center mark. She then put three in the male nether region...a little scary, and one in the neck: (
Nice Shootin' TEX!!!

Saint Paddy's Day

Oh, with a wee bit o'luck we were able to survive Saint Pat's Day in Las Vegas. My sister was demonstrating the effects of being an Irish Car Bomb Chug Champ. We all had a great time as seen here on the Brooklyn Bridge in front of Nine Fine Irishmen at the NY NY Casino.

Vegas Visitors

When you live in Las Vegas out-of-town visitors are a must. I mean.... its VEGAS!! So as people come to visit we will be adding their pics to this section.